Monday, July 16, 2012

Organizing my time.

So, I recently picked up another job.  So I now have 2 part time jobs and I go to school part time.  And neither of the jobs or the school follows a set schedule.  So to keep me sane and let Robert where I am when, I made a calendar!

Quite simply:  it is a picture frame with paper strips for the days.  And its dry erase.  I'm debating if I want to add hours to the papers itself, so it looks more organized.

I had been seeing these online and had never really had a definite use for one until now.  

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

stocking hanger.

It's been a while since I've been on here, I'm going to try to be better about it.  I will also post all oft he renovations we did to the condo soon.  :)
Since I don't have a mantel in my apartment, I needed somewhere to hang stockings.  I happen to have this habit of collecting spoons.  Now I have a use for my collected spoons:  a stocking hanger.  I left the hanger itself mostly undecorated so that I can use it for other things in the future. 
 Bending steel spoons is a big pain.  I boiled a few of the thicker ones.  The spoons are attached with twine.  Glue would be too weak over time and I couldn't think of a feasible way that would look good to attach them to the board. 
Now, its time to make more stockings!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Hooray Flowers!

Beth and I made more flowers today!  Different ones this time.   She and I had Saturday off due to the threat of terrible weather.  It was just very windy.  yay for no crazy storms here!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Wine box shelves

 So a few years ago I was at Costco with my mom and I spotted these wooden wine boxes.  I thought they were pretty cool looking so I grabbed one and we used it to pack up our purchase.
Since then I've been collecting them and using them as temporary shelves and storage boxes in my various dorms and apartments.  Robert suggested permanent shelves and this is what we ended up with.  I hear we have Daniel to thank for the inspiration.


I'm very excited about this one.  This was my Valentines day gift to Robert.  Made out of Magazines and like the bowls but cooler.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cork Board!

Robert got tired of me carrying around a lot of wine corks and not doing anything with them.  While he was in Delaware with me this past fall, he put together a cork board.  So all those wine corks have finally made it to where they belong.

That paper at the top is his very confusing looking schedule.   

Tiny rope mat

I can't seem to get a good picture of this.  The camera will focus in front of it or behind it.  Not on it.  Anyways, It took me a while but I made it!